solid shampoo lather in hands

What does it take to create a plastic free beauty brand? Listen to KIND2's story

So much goes into creating a plastic free beauty brand. 

Are you intrigued to learn how KIND2 came to be? Or do you have aspirations to create your own ethical business?

In early 2020 I was fortunate enough to be interviewed by the lovely Andrea Fox. We spoke all about what it takes to build a strong, sustainable brand from the ground up and the challenges along the way.

Hear how KIND2 was created

Andrea hosts The Age Of Plastic Podcast and she invited me on to speak about how and why I created KIND2.

Sue Campbell - Founder KIND2

In the episode: ‘What does it take to create a plastic free beauty brand?’ we dive into my story.

It was seeing so much plastic pollution on beaches that made me think “we can’t go on like this”. It pushed me to actually take action and begin building KIND2.

Andrea and I speak about everything that followed from there. We discuss the process of moving from idea and research to formulation, production and eventually to launch.

Does a littered shoreline get under your skin too? Using a plastic free solid shampoo is a great way to cut more single use plastic out of your life. This is why KIND2’s products are especially sustainable.

Why did I choose the hair care industry?

I also speak to Andrea about why I opted to start with building a hair care brand.

We cover all the motivating factors, like how soap based shampoo bars don’t really work in hard water. Spoiler alert ... it’s actually because soap is alkaline and has a high pH. If you’d like to learn more about why this will dry out your hair and scalp, you’ll have to listen to my conversation with Andrea! Or, you can find more information about it in our blog post on pH balanced shampoo and conditioner.

There were other elements that played into why I opted to create a plastic free solid shampoo brand too. Our top 5 reasons why we think you should switch to using a shampoo bar will give you some insights.

The movement behind the brand

"Ultimately, I want plastic free products to become mainstream. I clearly understand that it’s not just me that’s going to do that but if you are part of that movement then you are supporting that change and maybe inspiring more people to change."

Listen to the full story

If you’re feeling curious and inspired to hear more about what it takes to build a plastic free beauty brand, you can listen to the full podcast episode.

If you’d like to know more about KIND2, be sure to check out our story. If it’s convinced you to try more plastic free beauty products, then visit the KIND2 shop to pick up your first solid shampoo bar.

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